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SOLUTION Module 3 Deploying Production GKE with gcloud


  • GKE Regional, Private Standard Cluster for Production Deployment
  • GKE Autopilot Cluster

1 Creating Production GKE Cluster

In Part 1 of the Assignment we going to deploy GKE Standard cluster for production usage. This cluster will have Regional control plain for high availability. Also following production security Best Practices we going to setup GKE with private nodes (No Public IP) and learn how to setup Cloud Nat which allows Private cluster's Pods access securely Internet.

1.1 Locate Assignment 2

Step 1 Clone ycit020 repo with Kubernetes manifests, which going to use for our work:

cd ~/ycit020_2022/
git pull       # Pull latest Mod3_assignment

In case you don't have this folder clone it as following:

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/ycit020_2022/module3_assignment/


You can see Kubernetes manifests

Step 2 Go into your personal Google Cloud Source Repository:

export student_name=<write_your_name_here_and_remove_brakets>


Replace $student_id with your ID

cd ~/$student_name-notepad
git pull                              # Pull latest code from you repo

Step 3 Copy module3_assignment folder to your repo:

cp -r ~/ycit020_2022/module3_assignment ycit020_module3

Step 4 Create production_gke.txt file that will have instructions how to deploy Production GKE Clusters.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
cat > production_gke.txt << EOF
# Creating Production GKE Cluster

**Step 1** Create a vpc network:

**Step 2** Create a subnet VPC design:

**Step 3** Create a subnet with primary and secondary ranges:

**Step 4** Create a Private GKE Cluster:

**Step 5** Create a Cloud Router:

**Step 6** Create a Cloud Nat Gateway:

**Step 7** Create an Autopilot GKE Cluster:



This document will be graded.

Step 5 Commit ycit020_module3 folder using the following Git commands:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad
git status 
git add .
git commit -m "adding documentation for ycit020 module 3 assignment"

Step 6 Once you've committed code to the local repository, add its contents to Cloud Source Repositories using the git push command:

git push origin master

1.2 Creating a GCP project


We are going to create a temporary project for this assignment. While you going to store code in existing project that we've used so far in class

Set variables:

export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
export PROJECT_PREFIX=1   # Project has to be unique

Create a project:

gcloud projects create $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-$PROJECT_PREFIX

List billings and take note of ACCOUNT_ID:

ACCOUNT_ID=$(gcloud beta billing accounts list | grep -B2 True  | head -1 | grep ACCOUNT_ID  |awk '{ print $2}') 

Check account ID was set properly as variable:


Attach your project to the correct billing account:

gcloud beta billing projects link $PROJECT_ID --billing-account=$ACCOUNT_ID

Set the newly created project as default for gcloud:

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Enable compute, container, cloudresourcemanager APIs:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable 
gcloud services enable


Enabling GCP Service APIs very important step in automation (e.g. terraform)

Get a list of services that enabled in your project:

gcloud services list


Some services APIs enabled by default during project creation

gcloud config set compute/region us-central1

1.2 Deleting Default VPC and associated Firewall Rules to it

Observe Asset Inventory in GCP UI:

Products -> IAM & Admin -> Asset Inventory -> Overview

Select resource type compute.Subnetwork


You can see that vpc default network spans across all GCP Regions, which for many companies will not be acceptable practice (e.g. GDPR)

List all networks in a project:

gcloud compute networks list


default  AUTO         REGIONAL

Review existing firewall rules for default vpc:

gcloud compute firewall-rules list

Also check in Google cloud UI:

VPC Network->Firewall

Delete firewall rules associated with default vpc network:

gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-internal
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-ssh
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-rdp
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-icmp

Delete the Default network, following best practices:

gcloud compute networks delete default

1.3 Creating a custom mode network (VPC)

Task N1: Using reference doc: Creating a custom mode network. Create a new custom mode VPC network using gcloud command with following parameters:

  • Network name: $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc
  • Subnet mode: custom
  • Bgp routing mode: regional
  • MTUs: default

Step 1: Create a new custom mode VPC network:

with name ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc, with subnet mode custom, and regional.

Step 1: Create a new custom mode VPC network:

Set variables:

export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
gcloud compute networks create $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
    --subnet-mode=custom \
    --bgp-routing-mode=regional \

Review created network:

gcloud compute networks list

Also check in Google cloud UI:

Networking->VPC Networks

Document a command to create vpc network in production_gke.txt doc under step 1.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.


If production_gke.txt is not updated with commands this will reduce score for you assignment

Step 2: Create firewall rules default-allow-internal and default-allow-ssh:

gcloud compute firewall-rules create $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-allow-tcp-ssh-icmp --network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc --allow tcp:22,tcp:3389,icmp


Review created firewall rules:

gcloud compute firewall-rules list

Also check in Google cloud UI:


1.4 Design and create a user-managed subnet

After you've created VPC network, it is require to add subnet to it.

Task N2: In order to ensure that GKE clusters in you organization doesn't overlap each other, design VPC subnet ranges for dev, stg, prd VPC-native GKE clusters, where

  • Max 200 Nodes per cluster and primary range belongs to Class A and starting from (

  • Max 110 Pods per node and pod secondary ranges belongs to Class A and starting from (

  • Max 500 Services per cluster and service secondary ranges belongs to Class A and starting from (

In your design assume that each cluster will have maximum of 59 Nodes with max 110 Pods per node and 1700 Service per cluster.

Use following reference docs:

  1. VPC-native clusters
  2. GKE address management

Using tables from VPC-native clusters document and online subnet calculator, create a table for dev, stg, prd in the following format and store result under production_gke.txt:

Project   | Subnet Name |     subnet       |    pod range       |    srv range        | kubectl api range
app 1 Dev | dev-1       |  |    |   |
          | dev-2       |  |    |   |

Document a subnet VPC design in production_gke.txt doc under step 2.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.

Task N3: Create a user-managed subnet.

Create a subnet for dev cluster, taking in consideration VPC subnet ranges created in above table, where:

Subnet N1 for GKE Standard Cluster: * Subnet name: gke-standard-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet * Region: us-central1 * Node Range: See column subnet in above table for dev-1 cluster * Secondary Ranges: * Service range name: gke-standard-services * Service range CIDR: See column srv range in above table for dev-1 cluster * Pods range name: gke-standard-pods * Pods range CIDR: See column pod range in above table for dev-1 cluster * Features: * Flow Logs * Private IP Google Access

Subnet N2 for GKE Standard Autopilot: * Subnet name: gke-auto-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet * Region: us-central1 * Node Range: See column subnet in above table for dev-2 cluster * Secondary Ranges: * Service range name: gke-auto-services * Service range CIDR: See column srv range in above table for dev-2 cluster * Pods range name: gke-auto-pods * Pods range CIDR: See column pod range in above table for dev-2 cluster * Features: * Flow Logs * Private IP Google Access

export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
gcloud compute networks subnets create gke-standard-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet \
--network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
--range \
--region us-central1 --enable-flow-logs \
--enable-private-ip-google-access \
--secondary-range gke-standard-services=,gke-standard-pods=
gcloud compute networks subnets create gke-auto-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet \
--network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
--range \
--region us-central1 --enable-flow-logs \
--enable-private-ip-google-access \
--secondary-range gke-auto-services=,gke-auto-pods=

Reference docs:

  1. Creating a private cluster with custom subnet
  2. VPC-native clusters
  3. Use gcloud subnets create command reference for all available options.

Review created subnet:

gcloud compute networks subnets list

Also check in Google cloud UI:

Networking->VPC Networks -> Click VPC network and check `Subnet` tab

Document a subnet VPC creation command in production_gke.txt doc under step 3.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.

1.5 Creating a Private, Regional and VPC Native GKE Cluster

Task N4: Create GKE Standard Cluster with Private Nodes and following values:

  • Cluster name: $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster
  • VPC network name: $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc
  • VPC subnet name: gke-standard-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet
  • Secondary pod range with name: gke-standard-pods
  • Secondary service range with name: gke-standard-services
  • VM size: e2-micro
  • Node count 1 per zone: num-nodes
  • GKE Control plane is replicated across three zones of a region: us-central1
  • GKE Release channel: regular
  • Enable Cilium based Networking DataplaneV2: enable-dataplane-v2
  • GKE version: "1.22.12-gke.300"
  • Cluster Node Communication VPC Native: enable-ip-alias
  • Cluster Nodes access: Private Node GKE Cluster with Public API endpoint
  • For master-ipv4-cidr ranges: See column kubectl api range in above table for dev-1 cluster

Use following reference docs:

  1. Creating a private cluster
  2. GKE Release Channels
  3. Use gcloud container clusters create command reference for all available options.
export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
gcloud container clusters create  $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster \
    --region us-central1 \
    --num-nodes 1 \
    --machine-type "e2-micro" \
    --cluster-version "1.22.12-gke.300" \
    --release-channel "regular" \
    --enable-dataplane-v2 \
    --network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
    --subnetwork gke-standard-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet \
    --cluster-secondary-range-name gke-standard-pods \
    --services-secondary-range-name gke-standard-services \
    --enable-ip-alias \
    --enable-private-nodes \

Document a GKE cluster creation command in production_gke.txt doc under step 4.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.


The private cluster is now created. gcloud has set up kubectl to authenticate with the private cluster but the cluster's K8s API server will only accept connections from the primary range of your subnetwork, and the secondary range of your subnetwork that is used for pods. That means nobody can access K8s API at this point of time, until we specify allowed ranges.

Step 3 Authenticate to the cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster --region us-central1 

Step 4: Connecting to a Private Cluster

Let's try to connect to the cluster:

kubectl get pods
Unable to connect to the server i/o timeout


This fails because private clusters firewall traffic to the master by default. In order to connect to the cluster you need to make use of the master authorized networks feature.

Step 4: Enable Master Authorized networks on you cluster

Suppose you have a group of machines, outside of your VPC network, belongs to your organization. You could authorize ONLY those machines to access the public endpoint (Kubernetes API).

Here we will enable master authorized networks and whitelist the IP address for our Cloud Shell instance, to allow access to the master:

gcloud container clusters update $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster --enable-master-authorized-networks --master-authorized-networks $(curl --region us-central1

Now we can access the API server using kubectl from GCP console:


In real life it could be CIDR Range for you company, so only engineers or CI/CD systems from you company can connect to kubectl apis in secure manner.

Now we can access the API server using kubectl:

kubectl get pods


No resources found in default namespace.

Let's deploy basic application on the GKE Standard Cluster:

kubectl run hello-web --port=8080
kubectl get pods


hello-web   1/1     Running   0          7s


We can deploy Pods to our Private Cluster.

kubectl delete pod hello-web

Step 2: Testing Outbound Traffic

Outbound traffic is not routable in private clusters so access to the internet is limited. This isolates pods that are running sensitive workloads.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: wget
  - name: wget
    image: alpine
    command: ['wget', '-T', '5', '']
  restartPolicy: Never
kubectl get pods


wget   0/1     Error    0          4m41s
kubectl logs wget


Connecting to (
wget: download timed out
wget: bad address ''


Pods can't access internet, because it's a private cluster


Normally, if cluster is Private and doesn't have Cloud Nat configured, users can't even deploy images from Docker Hub. See troubleshooting details here

Delete test pod:

kubectl delete pods wget

1.6 Create a Google Cloud Nat

Private clusters give you the ability to isolate nodes from having inbound and outbound connectivity to the public internet. This isolation is achieved as the nodes have internal IP addresses only.

If you want to provide outbound internet access for certain private nodes, you can use Cloud NAT

Cloud NAT is a distributed, software-defined managed service. It's not based on proxy VMs or appliances.

You configure a NAT gateway on a Cloud Router, which provides the control plane for NAT, holding configuration parameters that you specify. Google Cloud runs and maintains processes on the physical machines that run your Google Cloud VMs.

Cloud NAT can be configured to automatically scale the number of NAT IP addresses that it uses, and it supports VMs that belong to managed instance groups, including those with autoscaling enabled.

Step 1: Create a Cloud NAT configuration using Cloud Router

Create Cloud Router in the same region as the instances that use Cloud NAT. Cloud NAT is only used to place NAT information onto the VMs. It is not used as part of the actual NAT gateway.

Task N5: Create Cloud Router

Step 1a: Create a Cloud Router:

gcloud compute routers create gke-nat-router \
    --network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
    --region us-central1

Verify created Cloud Router:

Networking -> Hybrid Connectivity -> Cloud Routers

Document Cloud Router creation command in production_gke.txt doc under step 5

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Task N6: Create Cloud Nat Gateway

Step 1b: Create a Cloud Nat Gateway:

gcloud compute routers nats create nat-config \
    --router-region us-central1 \
    --router gke-nat-router \
    --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \

Verify created Cloud Nat:

Networking -> Network Services -> Cloud NAT


Cloud NAT uses Cloud Router only to group NAT configuration information (control plane). Cloud NAT does not direct a Cloud Router to use BGP or to add routes. NAT traffic does not pass through a Cloud Router (data plane).

Document Cloud Nat creation command in production_gke.txt doc under step 6:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.

Step 2: Testing Outbound Traffic

Most outbound traffic is not routable in private clusters so access to the internet is limited. This isolates pods that are running sensitive workloads.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: wget
  - name: wget
    image: alpine
    command: ['wget', '-T', '5', '']
  restartPolicy: Never
kubectl get pods


NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
wget                              0/1     Completed   0          2m53s
kubectl logs wget


Connecting to (
saving to 'index.html'
index.html           100% |********************************|  1256  0:00:00 ETA
'index.html' saved


Pods can access internet, thanks to our configured Cloud Nat.

1.7 Delete Default Node Pool and Create Custom Node Pool

A Kubernetes Engine cluster consists of a master and nodes. Kubernetes doesn't handle provisioning of nodes, so Google Kubernetes Engine handles this for you with a concept called node pools.

A node pool is a subset of node instances within a cluster that all have the same configuration. They map to instance templates in Google Compute Engine, which provides the VMs used by the cluster. By default a Kubernetes Engine cluster has a single node pool, but you can add or remove them as you wish to change the shape of your cluster.

In the previous example, you've created a Kubernetes Engine cluster. This gave us three nodes (three e2-micro (2 vCPUs, 1 GB memory), 100 GB of disk each) in a single node pool (called default-pool). Let's inspect the node pool:

gcloud config set compute/region us-central1
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster


NAME: default-pool
MACHINE_TYPE: e2-micro
NODE_VERSION: 1.22.12-gke.300

If you want to add more nodes of this type, you can grow this node pool. If you want to add more nodes of a different type, you can add other node pools.

A common method of moving a cluster to larger nodes is to add a new node pool, move the work from the old nodes to the new, and delete the old node pool.

Let's add a second node pool. This time we will use the larger e2-medium (2 vCPUs, 4 GB memory), 100 GB of disk each machine type.

Task N7: Create Create Custom Node Pool and Delete Default Node Pool

gcloud container node-pools create custom-pool --cluster $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster \
    --machine-type e2-medium --num-nodes 1


NAME: custom-pool
MACHINE_TYPE: e2-medium
NODE_VERSION: 1.22.12-gke.300
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster


NAME: default-pool
MACHINE_TYPE: e2-micro
NODE_VERSION: 1.22.12-gke.300

NAME: custom-pool
MACHINE_TYPE: e2-medium
NODE_VERSION: 1.22.12-gke.300

You can now delete the original default-pool node pool:

gcloud container node-pools delete default-pool --cluster $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster

Check that node-pool has been deleted:

gcloud container node-pools list --cluster $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster


GKE cluster running only on custom-pool Node pool.

2 Creating GKE Autopilot Clusters

In Part 2 of the Assignment we going to deploy GKE Autopilot Clusters for Production Usage. Autopilot Clusters provides easy way to configure and manage GKE Clusters. They configured with best practices and high availability out of the box. And can additionally configured with Private Clusters.

Task N8: Create GKE Autopilot Cluster with following subnet ranges:

  • Cluster name: $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-auto-cluster
  • In region: us-central1
  • VPC network name: $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc
  • VPC subnet name: gke-auto-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet
  • Secondary pod range with name: gke-auto-pods
  • Secondary service range with name: gke-auto-services

Use following reference docs:

  1. Creating a GKE Autopilot cluster
export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
gcloud container clusters create-auto $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-auto-cluster \
    --region us-central1 \
    --network $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-vpc \
    --subnetwork gke-auto-$ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-subnet \
    --cluster-secondary-range-name gke-auto-pods \
    --services-secondary-range-name gke-auto-services \


Production ready GKE Autopilot Cluster has been created

Document a GKE Autopilot cluster creation command in production_gke.txt doc under step 8.

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/ycit020_module3
edit production_gke.txt

Save and go to next step.

Authenticate to GKE Autopilot cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-auto-cluster --region us-central1 

GKE Autopilot starts with 2 small Nodes, that is not charged to Customers:

kubectl get nodes
gk3-archy-notepad-gcloud-default-pool-5c17f5f3-lp4p   Ready    <none>   11m   v1.22.12-gke.300
gk3-archy-notepad-gcloud-default-pool-fae5625e-cwxx   Ready    <none>   11m   v1.22.12-gke.300

This Nodes are used to run GKE system containers such as various agents and networking pods:

kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces


With GKE Autopilot, you don't need to worry about nodes or nodepools at all. Autopilot will spin nodes up and down based on the resources needed by your deployments, but you will only be charged for the resources requested by your actual deployments.

Let's deploy basic application on the GKE Standard Cluster:

kubectl run hello-web --port=8080

Let's verify that Pod deployed:

kubectl get pods


hello-web   0/1     Pending   0          9s

After about 1 munute you should see:

NAME        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
hello-web   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          101s


That the application takes longer than usual to start. This is because Autopilot NAP system starting off new Nodes for application.

Let's verify that Pod deployment after few minutes:

kubectl get pods


hello-web   1/1     Running   0          7s

Let's verify that Nodes deployed:

kubectl get nodes


NAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
gk3-archy-notepad-gcloud-default-pool-5c17f5f3-lp4p   Ready    <none>   24m     v1.22.12-gke.300
gk3-archy-notepad-gcloud-default-pool-5c17f5f3-t89j   Ready    <none>   5m35s   v1.22.12-gke.300
gk3-archy-notepad-gcloud-default-pool-fae5625e-cwxx   Ready    <none>   24m     v1.22.12-gke.300


You will see 3d node has been created. GKE Autopilot created a Node based on workload requirement


If you don't specify resource requests in your deployment spec, then Autopilot will set CPU to 2000m and Memory to 4gb. If your app requires less resources than that, make sure you set the resource request for your deployment. The minimum CPU is 250m and the minimum memory is 512mb.

3 Commit Terraform configurations to repository and share it with Instructor/Teacher

Step 1 Commit ycit020_module3 folder using the following Git commands:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad
git add .
git commit -m "Gcloud Documentation for Module 3 Assignment"

Step 2 Push commit to the Cloud Source Repositories:

git push origin master


Your instructor will be able to review your code and grade it.

4 Cleanup

export ORG=$student_name
export PRODUCT=notepad
export ENV=gcloud
export PROJECT_PREFIX=1   # Project has to be unique

Delete GKE standard Cluster:

gcloud container clusters delete $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-standard-cluster

Delete GKE Autopilot Cluster:

gcloud container clusters delete $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-auto-cluster


We are going to delete the $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-$PROJECT_PREFIX only, please do not delete your project with Source Code Repo.

gcloud projects delete $ORG-$PRODUCT-$ENV-$PROJECT_PREFIX