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Lab 4 Managing Docker Images


  • Docker Storage
  • Learn to build docker images using Dockerfiles.
  • Store images in Docker Hub
  • Learn alternative registry solutions (GCR)

Prepare Lab Environment

This lab can be executed in you GCP Cloud Environment using Google Cloud Shell.

Open the Google Cloud Shell by clicking on the icon on the top right of the screen:

alt text

Once opened, you can use it to run the instructions for this lab.

1 Persistant Volumes

1.1 Storage driver

We've discussed several Storage drivers (graphdrivers) during the class. Let's find out what graphdriver is running in our Lab environment.

docker info | grep  Storage
Storage Driver: overlay2


Our Classroom is running auoverlay2fs storage driver.


Systems runnng Ubuntu or Debian ,going to run overlay2 storage driver by default. Prior to that it was aufs storage driver

1.2 Persisting Data Using Volumes

Docker Volumes are created and assigned when containers are started. Data Volumes allow you to map a host directory to a container for sharing data.

This mapping is bi-directional. It allows data stored on the host to be accessed from within the container. It also means data saved by the process inside the container is persisted on the host.

1.2.1 Create and manage volumes

Step 1 Create a volume:

docker volume create --name my-vol

Step 2 List volumes:

docker volume ls
local               my-vol

Step 3 Inspect a volume:

docker volume inspect my-vol
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my-vol/_data",
        "Name": "my-vol",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"

Step 3 Add some data to the Mountpoint of the volume:

sudo touch  /var/lib/docker/volumes/my-vol/_data/test_vol
sudo ls  /var/lib/docker/volumes/my-vol/_data/

Step 4 Create a container busybox alpine image and attach created my-vol volume in to it:

docker run -it -v my-vol:/world busybox
/ # ls /world
/ #


Volume is mounted and test_vol file is under /world folder as expected

Step 5 Try to delete the volume:

docker volume rm  my-vol
Error response from daemon: unable to remove volume: remove my-vol: volume is in use - [6ef3055b516b306847150af8fcea796c02cd90578967802ac29c39d3a2c90102]


Deleting container that is attached is not permited. However you can delete with -f option

Step 5 Busybox container stopped, howerver it is not deleted. Let's locate stopped busybox container and delete it:

docker ps -a | grep busybox
docker rm $docker_id

Step 6 You can now delete my-vol


Volume is still avaiable if needed to be reattached any time

docker volume ls
docker volume rm my-vol
docker volume ls


Volumes can be craeted and managed separately from containers.

1.2.2 Start a container with a volume

If you start a container with a volume that does not yet exist, Docker creates the volume for you.

Step 1 Add a data volume to a container:

docker run -d -P --name webapp -v /webapp training/webapp python


Command started a new container and created a new volume inside the container at /webapp.

Step 2 Locate the volume on the host using the docker inspect command:

 docker inspect webapp | grep -A9 Mounts
 ```       "Mounts": [
                "Type": "volume",
                "Name": "39885c52758dcf7516513be2d44a17560e42b6da75aba30bc66d4af41df5384d",
                "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/39885c52758dcf7516513be2d44a17560e42b6da75aba30bc66d4af41df5384d/_data",
                "Destination": "/webapp",
                "Driver": "local",
                "Mode": "",
                "RW": true,
                "Propagation": ""

Step 3 List container

docker volume ls


local               39885c52758dcf7516513be2d44a17560e42b6da75aba30bc66d4af41df5384d

Step 5 Alternatively, you can specify a host directory you want to use as a data volume:

mkdir db

docker run -d --name db -v ~/db:/db training/postgres

Step 2 Start an interactive session in the db container and create a new file in the /db directory:

docker exec -it db bash

Type inside docker containers console:

root@9a7a4fbcc929:/# cd /db

root@9a7a4fbcc929:/db# touch hello_from_db_container

root@9a7a4fbcc929:/db# exit

Step 4 Check that the local db directory contains the new file:

ls db

Step 5 Check that the data volume is persistent. Remove the db container:

docker rm -f db

Step 6 Create the db container again:

docker run -d --name db -v ~/db:/db training/postgres

Step 7 Check that its /db directory contains the hello_from_db_container file:

docker exec -it db bash

Run commands inside container:

root@47a60c01590e:/# ls /db
root@47a60c01590e:/# exit

2 Distributing Docker images with Container Registry

In the previous modules, we learned how to use Docker images to run Docker containers. Docker images that we used have been downloaded from the Docker Hub, a Docker image registry maintained by Docker Inc. In this section we will create a simple web application from scratch. We will use Flask (, a microframework for Python. Our application for each request will display a random picture from the defined set.

In the next session we will create all necessary files for our application, build docker image and then push to Docker Hub and Quay.

The code for this application is also available in GitHub:


Step 1 Clone git repo on you laptop:

git clone
cd ~/ycit019_2022/Module5/flask-app/
git pull

Step 2 In this directory, we see following files:


Step 3 Let’s review file with the following content:

from flask import Flask, render_template
import random

app = Flask(__name__)

# list of cat images
images = [

def index():
    url = random.choice(images)
    return render_template('index.html', url=url)

if __name__ == "__main__":"")

Step 4 Below is the content of requirements.txt file:


Step 5 Under directory templates observe index.html with the following content:

    <style type="text/css">
      body {
        background: black;
        color: white;
      div.container {
        max-width: 500px;
        margin: 100px auto;
        border: 20px solid white;
        padding: 10px;
        text-align: center;
      h4 {
        text-transform: uppercase;
    <div class="container">
      <h4>Cat Gif of the day</h4>
      <img src="{{url}}" />

Step 6 Let’s review content of the Dockerfile:

# Official Python Alpine Base image using Simple Tags
# Image contains Python 3 and pip pre-installed, so no need to install them

FROM python:3.9.5-alpine3.12

# Specify Working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# COPY requirements.txt /usr/src/app/
COPY requirements.txt ./

# Install Python Flask used by the Python app
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy files required for the app to run
COPY templates/index.html ./templates/

# Make a record that the port number the container should be expose is:

# run the application
CMD ["python", "./"]

1.2 Build a Docker image

Step 1 Now let’s build our Docker image. In the command below, replace with your user name. This user name should be the same as you created when you registered on Docker Hub. Because we will publish our build image in the next step to your own Docker Hub.

docker build -t <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp .


Image has been buit

Step 2 Where is your built image? It’s in your machine’s local Docker image registry, you can check that your image exists with command below:

docker images

Step 3 Now run a container in a background and expose a standard HTTP port (80), which is redirected to the container’s port 5000:

docker run -dp 8080:5000 --name myfirstapp <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp

Step 4 Now that we've launched the application containers, let's try to test the web application locally.

You should be able to access the application at Google Cloud Web Preview Console:

alt text


Web Preview using port 8080 by default. If you application using other port, you can edit this as needed.

Step 5 Stop the container and remove it:

docker rm -f myfirstapp

1.2.2 Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub

One of the most popular way to share and work with you images is to push them to the Docker Hub.

Docker Hub is a registry of Docker images. You can think of the registry as a directory of all available Docker images.

Step 1 (Optional) If you don’t have a Docker account, sign up for one here. Make a note of your username and password.

Step 2 Log in to your local machine.

docker login

Step 3 Now, publish your image to docker Hub.

docker push <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp

Step 4 Login to and verify simage and tags.


Image been pushed and can be observed in Docker Hub, with the tag latest.

Step 5 It is also possible to specify a custom tag for image prior to push it to the registry

Note Image Tag of the created myfirstapp:

docker images

Modify $docker_image_tag with myfirstapp:v1 image tag value:

docker tag $docker_image_tag <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp:v1
docker push <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp:v1


Image been pushed and can be observed in Docker Hub. You can now observe 2 docker image one with the tag latest and another with tag v1

Step 6 You can now pull or run specified Docker images from any other location where docker engine is installed with following commands:

docker pull <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp:latest

docker pull <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp:v1


Images stored locally

docker images


myfirstapp       v1       f50f9524513f    1 hour ago   22 MB

myfirstapp       latest   f50f9524513f    1 hour ago   22 MB

Finally run images with specific tag:

docker run <Docker-hub-user-name>/myfirstapp:v1

1.2.3 Pushing images to

In a similar manner we need to tag the image to prepare it to be pushed to We just need to change the registry, which is for formatted as

Step 1 Get the Project ID:

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Step 2 Enable the required APIs:

gcloud services enable

Step 3 Tag the image:

Modify $docker_image_tag with myfirstapp:v1 image tag value:

docker tag $docker_image_tag${PROJECT_ID}/myfirstapp:v1

Push the image to

docker push${PROJECT_ID}/myfirstapp:v1

Step 4 Login to GCP console -> Container Registry -> Images


Docker images has been pushed to GCR registry

1.2.3 Pushing images to Local Repository

First, we need to spin up a local docker registry. This could be a use case if you want to deploy basic registry On-Prem. This registry will luck security features such as Authentication, SSL, scanning. If you interested to use Enterprise ready solution On-Prem consider: Jfrog Artifactory, RedHa's Clair, Docker Enterprise or open source CNCF project Harbor.

Step 1 Deploy local registry

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2.7.1

Step 2 In order to upload an image to a registry, we need to tag it properly

Modify $docker_image_tag with myfirstapp:v1 image tag value:

docker tag $docker_image_tag localhost:5000/myfirstapp:v1

Step 3 Now that we have an image tagged correctly, we can push it to our local registry

docker push localhost:5000/myfirstapp:v1

Step 4 Let’s now delete the local image, and pull it again from the local registry

To delete the image, we need to first remove the container that depends on that image. Run docker ps and get the Container_ID for the container that uses myfirstapp:v1 Kill and delete that container by running the following command, but make sure to replace CONTAINER_ID, with the actual ID.

docker rm CONTAINER_ID

Result: The command will print back the container ID, which is an indication it was successful.

Step 5 Run docker images to validate

docker images

Step 6 Now we can delete the docker image

docker rmi localhost:5000/myfirstapp:v1

Step 7 Although the image is deleted locally, it is still in the registry and we can pull it back, or use it to deploy containers.

docker run -dp 8080:5000 --name myfirstapp localhost:5000/myfirstapp:v1

Run docker images again to check how the image is available locally again.

docker images

Step 8 Cleanup:

docker rm -f myfirstapp

3 Follow Docker Best Practices

3.1 Inspecting Dockerfiles with dockle

Dockle - Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start

Dockle helps you:

  • Build Best Practice Docker images
  • Build secure Docker images
  • Checkpoints includes CIS Benchmarks

Step 1 Install Dockle

 curl --silent "" | \
 grep '"tag_name":' | \
 sed -E 's/.*"v([^"]+)".*/\1/' \
) && curl -L -o dockle.deb${VERSION}/dockle_${VERSION}_Linux-64bit.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i dockle.deb && rm dockle.deb

Step 2 Experiment with existing applications we've created in the class:

$ dockle [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]


dockle archy/myfirstapp


WARN    - CIS-DI-0001: Create a user for the container
    * Last user should not be root
WARN    - DKL-DI-0006: Avoid latest tag
    * Avoid 'latest' tag
INFO    - CIS-DI-0005: Enable Content trust for Docker
    * export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1 before docker pull/build
INFO    - CIS-DI-0006: Add HEALTHCHECK instruction to the container image
    * not found HEALTHCHECK statement
INFO    - DKL-LI-0003: Only put necessary files
    * Suspicious directory : tmp

3.2 Scan images with Trivy

Trivy (tri pronounced like trigger, vy pronounced like envy) is a simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers and other artifacts. A software vulnerability is a glitch, flaw, or weakness present in the software or in an Operating System. Trivy detects vulnerabilities of OS packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and application dependencies (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.). Trivy is easy to use. Just install the binary and you're ready to scan. All you need to do for scanning is to specify a target such as an image name of the container.

Step 1 Install Trivy

sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https gnupg lsb-release
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trivy.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install trivy

Step 2 Specify an image name (and a tag).

$ trivy image [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]

For example:

$ trivy image python:3.4-alpine
2019-05-16T01:20:43.180+0900    INFO    Updating vulnerability database...
2019-05-16T01:20:53.029+0900    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...

python:3.4-alpine3.9 (alpine 3.9.2)
Total: 1 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 1, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

| openssl | CVE-2019-1543    | MEDIUM   | 1.1.1a-r1         | 1.1.1b-r1     | openssl: ChaCha20-Poly1305     |
|         |                  |          |                   |               | with long nonces               |

Step 3 Explore local images in your environment.

4 Docker Compose

In this module, will guide you through the process of building a multi-container application using docker compose. The application code is available at GitHub:

4.1 Deploy Guestbook app with Compose

Let’s build another application. This time we going to create famous Guestbook application.

Guestbook consists of three services. A redis-master node, a set of redis-slave that can be scaled and find the redis-master via its DNS name. And a PHP frontend that exposes itself on port 80. The resulting application allows you to leave short messages which are stored in the redis cluster.

Step 1 Change directory to the guestbook

cd ~/ycit019_2022/Module6/guestbook/

Step 2 Let’s review the docker-guestbook.yml file

version: "2"

     - "6379"
     - "6379"
     - GET_HOSTS_FROM=dns
     - "80:80"
     - GET_HOSTS_FROM=dns

Step 3 Let’s run docker-guestbook.yml with compose

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
docker-compose -f docker-guestbook.yml up -d
Creating network "examples_default" with the default driver
Creating examples_redis-slave_1
Creating examples_frontend_1
Creating examples_redis-master_1


-d - Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names.

-f - Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)

Step 4 Check that all containers are running:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND
d1006d1beee5     "apache2-foreground"
fb3a15fde23f       "redis-server /etc..."
326b94d4cdd7   "/ /b..."

Step 5 Test the application locally

Now that we've launched the application containers, let's try to test the web application locally.

You should be able to access the application at Google Cloud Web Preview Console:

alt text


Web Preview using port 8080 by default. If you application using other port, you can edit this as needed.


Nice you now have compose stuck up and running!

Step 6 Cleanup environment:

docker-compose -f docker-guestbook.yml down
Stopping guestbook_frontend_1 ... done
Stopping guestbook_redis-master_1 ... done
Stopping guestbook_redis-slave_1 ... done
Removing guestbook_frontend_1 ... done
Removing guestbook_redis-master_1 ... done
Removing guestbook_redis-slave_1 ... done
Removing network guestbook_default


You are now docker expert! We were able to start microservices application with docker compose.


We've learned how to use docker-compose v2.

In the assignement you will be using docker-compose v3

Read the Docker-Compose documentation on new syntax.