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1 Containerize Applications


  • Use GCP Cloud Source Repositories to commit code
  • Review process of containerizing of applications
  • Review creation of Docker Images
  • Review build image process
  • Review process to launch containers with docker cli

Prepare Lab Environment

This lab can be executed in you GCP Cloud Environment using Google Cloud Shell.

Open the Google Cloud Shell by clicking on the icon on the top right of the screen:

alt text

Once opened, you can use it to run the instructions for this lab.

1 Configure Cloud Source Repository

Google Cloud Source Repositories provides Git version control to support collaborative development of any application or service. In this lab, you will create a local Git repository that contains a sample file, add a Google Source Repository as a remote, and push the contents of the local repository. You will use the source browser included in Source Repositories to view your repository files from within the Cloud Console.


Google Cloud Source Repository is similar tool to GitHub, so if you know Github CLI it is same experience, apart from that UI is different than GITHUB.

1.1 Create a personal repository within Google Cloud Source Repository

Step 1 Run the following command to create a new Cloud Source Repository named $student_name-notepad, where $student_name - is you mcgill student-ID:

Setup Environment Variable:

export PROJECT_ID=<project_id>

Here is how you can find you project_ID:

Project ID

export student_name=<write_your_name_here_and_remove_brakets>


Replace above with your project_id student_name

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud source repos create $student_name-notepad

Press Y

API [] not enabled on project [686694291909]. Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? (y/N)?

You can safely ignore any billing warnings for creating repositories.

Step 3 Clone the contents of your new Cloud Source Repository to a local repo in your Cloud Shell session:

gcloud source repos clone $student_name-notepad

The gcloud source repos clone command adds Cloud Source Repositories as a remote named origin and clones it into a local Git repository.

Step 3 Go into the local repository you've created:


Observe that repository has been cloned


You've created a Personal Repository, this is the locaton where you going to submit you assignments going forward

1.2 Locate Module 5 Assignment

Step 1 Locate directory where Dockerfile and are stored.

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/ycit019_2022/Mod5_assignment/


You can see where you will document docker commands given in the assignment

ls gowebapp-mysql
ls gowebapp


You can see Dockerfiles for gowebapp and gowebapp-mysql that you will be working with in this Assignment

Step 2 Go into your personal Google Cloud Source Repository:

cd ~
cd ~/$student_name-notepad

Step 3 Copy Mod 5 Assignment Mod5_assignment folder to your personal repo:

cp -r ~/ycit019_2022/Mod5_assignment .

Step 4 Configure Git Parametres

git config --global ""   #You GCP Account User
git config --global "Your Name"

Step 5 Commit deploy folder using the following Git commands:

git status 
git add .
git commit -m "adding Dockerfiles and Readme for Module 5 Assignement"

Step 5 Once you've committed code to the local repository, add its contents to Cloud Source Repositories using the git push command:

git push origin master

1.3 Review Cloud Source Repositories

Use the Google Cloud Source Repositories code browser to view repository files. You can filter your view to focus on a specific branch, tag, or comment.

Step 1 Browse the Mod5_assignment files you pushed to the repository by opening the Navigation menu and selecting Source Repositories:

Click Menu -> Source Repositories > Source Code.


The console shows the files in the master branch at the most recent commit.

Step 2 View a file in the Google Cloud repository

Click $student_name-notepad > gowebapp/Dockerfile to view content of the Dockerfile for gowebapp
Click $student_name-notepad > gowebapp/Dockerfile to view content of the Dockerfile for gowebapp-mysql
Click $student_name-notepad > to view content of the Readme

1.4 Grant viewing permissions for a repository to Instructors/Teachers

Reference document

Step 1 This step will grant view access for Instructor to check you assignments

In your Cloud Terminal:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member='' --role=roles/viewer


Your instructor will be able to review you code and grade it.

1.5 Browse and edit files in Cloud Shell Editor

Step 1 Browse files in the Google Cloud Source repository

edit ~/$student_name-notepad


Editor opens and you can easily modify you code and save it as you go.

2 Build and Deploy gowebapp application

2.1 Overview of the Sample Application

This package contains two application components which will be used throughout the course to demonstrate features of Kubernetes:

  • gowebapp

This directory contains a simple Go-based note-taking web application. It includes a home page, registration page, login page, about page, and note management page.

Configuration for this application is stored in code/config/config.json. This file is used to configure the backing data store for the application, which in this course is MySQL.

Later in the course, we will externalize this configuration in order to take advantage of Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps. This will include some minor modifications to the Go source code. Go programming experience is not required to complete the exercises.

For more details about the internal design and implementation of the Go web application, see code/

  • gowebapp-mysql

This directory contains the schema file used to setup the backing MySQL database for the Go web application.

2.3 Build Dockers image for frontend application

Step 1 Locate and review the go source code:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod5_assignment/


Two folders with go app and mysql config has been reviewed.

Step 2 Write Dockerfile for your frontend application

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod5_assignment/gowebapp

Modify a file named Dockerfile in this directory for the frontend Go app. Use Cloud Editor or editor of you choice

edit Dockerfile

The template below provides a starting point for defining the contents of this file. Replace TODO comments with the appropriate commands:

#TODO --- Define this image to inherit from the "golang" base image. Use version `1.15.11` or lower for `golang`

#TODO Set a label corresponding to the MAINTAINER field you could use, so that it wil be visible from docker inspect with the other labels.
#MAINTAINER should be you student e-mail.

#TODO --- Define a version label for this image



#TODO --- Copy source code in the local /code directory into $GOPATH/src/gowebapp

WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/gowebapp/

RUN go get && go install

#TODO --- Define an entrypoint for this image which executes the compiled application in $GOPATH/bin/gowebapp when the container starts

Step 4 Build gowebapp Docker image locally

Build the image locally. Make sure to include "." at the end. Make sure the build runs to completion without errors. You should get a success message.

#TODO  Build image `<your-github-user>/gowebapp:v1

2.4 Build Docker image for backend application

Step 1 Locate folder with mysql config

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod5_assignment/gowebapp-mysql

Step 2 Write Dockerfile for your backend application

Create a file named Dockerfile in this directory for the backend MySQL database application. Use Cloud Editor or editor of you choice.

edit Dockerfile

The template below provides a starting point for defining the contents of this file. Replace TODO comments with the appropriate commands:

#TODO --- Define this image to inherit from the "mysql" version 8.0 base image

#TODO Set a label corresponding to the MAINTAINER field you could use, so that it wil be visible from docker inspect with the other labels.
#MAINTAINER should be you student e-mail.

LABEL gowebapp-mysql "v1"

#TODO --- Investigate the "Initializing a Fresh Instance" instructions for the mysql parent image, and copy the local gowebapp.sql file to the proper container directory to be automatically executed when the container starts up

Step 2 Build gowebapp-mysql Docker image locally

#TODO  Build image  <your-github-user>/gowebapp-mysql:v1

Build the image locally. Make sure to include "." at the end. Make sure the build runs to completion without errors. You should get a success message. Run and test Docker images locally

2.5 Test application by running with Docker Engine.

Before putting our app in production let's run the Docker images locally, to ensure that the frontend and backend containers run and integrate properly.

Step 1 Create Docker user-defined network

To facilitate cross-container communication, let's first define a user-defined network in which to run the frontend and backend containers:

docker network create gowebapp \
-d bridge \


Default bridge only allows connecting container by IP addresses which is not viable solution as IP address of docker change at startup. There for we creating a user defined bridge network gowebapp

Step 2 Launch backend container

Next, let's launch a frontend and backend container using the Docker CLI. First, we launch the database container, as it will take a bit longer to startup, and the frontend container depends on it. Notice how we are injecting the database password into the MySQL configuration as an environment variable:

#TODO Launch `backend` container in background
#TODO Container needs to run on network: `gowebapp`
#TODO Use this settings: `--name gowebapp-mysql` `--hostname gowebapp-mysql` 
#TODO Include following Env Variable in the command: `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpasswd`

Step 3 Launch frontend container

Now launch a frontend container, mapping the container port 80 - where the web application is exposed - to port 8080 on the host machine:

#TODO Launch `frontend` container in background
#TODO Container needs to run on network: `gowebapp`
#TODO Use this settings: `--name gowebapp` `--hostname gowebapp` 
#TODO Map the container port 80  - to port 8080 on the host machine

Step 4 Test the application locally

Now that we've launched the application containers, let's try to test the web application locally.

You should be able to access the application at Google Cloud Web Preview Console:

alt text


Web Preview using port 8080 by default. If you application using other port, you can edit this as needed.

Once you can see the application loaded. Create an account and login. Write something on your Notepad and save it. This will verify that the application is working and properly integrates with the backend database container.


Take a screenshot of running application.

Step 5 Inspect the MySQL database

Let's connect to the backend MySQL database container and run some queries to ensure that application persistence is working properly:

#TODO docker xxx

Step 6 Once inside the container, connect to MySQL database:

mysql -u root -p


Use password that has beed used in MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD env variable.

Step 7 Once connected, run some simple SQL commands to inspect the database tables and persistence:

#Simple SQL to navigate
USE gowebapp;
SELECT * FROM <table_name>;

2.6 Cleanup running applications

### TODO docker xxx

3 Submit Assignment to Instructor

3.1 Commit DOCKERFILEs and to repository and share it with Instructor/Teacher

Step 1 Edit files with command you've created a working gowebapp application

edit  ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod5_assignment/

Step 2 Commit gowebapp and gowebapp-mysql folders and using the following Git commands:

cd  ~/$student_name-notepad/
git add .
git commit -m "adding DOCKREFILEs and Readme"

Step 2 Push commit to the Cloud Source Repositories:

git push origin master

Step 3 Submit link to your Cloud Source Repository to LMS, replace with you values${PROJECT_ID}/$MY_REPO
