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1 Deploy Applications on Kubernetes


  • Review process of creating NameSpaces
  • Review process of changing Context
  • Review process of creating K8s:
    • Services
    • Labels, Selectors
    • Deployments
    • Rolling Updates

Prepare the Cloud Source Repository Environment with Module 6 Assignment

This lab can be executed in you GCP Cloud Environment using Google Cloud Shell.

Open the Google Cloud Shell by clicking on the icon on the top right of the screen:

alt text

Once opened, you can use it to run the instructions for this lab.

Cloud Source Repositories: Qwik Start

Step 1 Locate directory where kubernetes YAML manifest going to be stored.

cd ~/ycit019_2022/
git pull       # Pull latest Mod8_assignment

In case you don't have this folder clone it as following:

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/ycit019_2022/Mod8_assignment/

Step 2 Go into the local repository you've created:

export student_name=<write_your_name_here_and_remove_brakets>


Replace above with your project_id student_name

cd ~/$student_name-notepad

Step 3 Copy Mod8_assignment folder to your repo:

git pull                              # Pull latest code from you repo
cp -r ~/ycit019_2022/Mod8_assignment/ .

Step 4 Commit Mod8_assignment folder using the following Git commands:

git status 
git add .
git commit -m "adding `Mod8_assignment` with kubernetes YAML manifest"

Step 5 Once you've committed code to the local repository, add its contents to Cloud Source Repositories using the git push command:

git push origin master

Step 6 Review Cloud Source Repositories

Use the Google Cloud Source Repositories code browser to view repository files. You can filter your view to focus on a specific branch, tag, or comment.

Browse the Mod8_assignment files you pushed to the repository by opening the Navigation menu and selecting Source Repositories:

Click Menu -> Source Repositories > Source Code.


The console shows the files in the master branch at the most recent commit.

1.1 Development Tools


This steps is optional

Step 1 Choose one of the following option to develop the YAML manifests:

Option 1: You can develop in Google Cloud Shell Editor

Option 2: You can also develop locally on your laptop using VCScode. We recommend to use it in conjunction with VSC YAML extension from Redhat

Option 4: Use your preferred text editor on Linux VM (vim, nano).

Option 3: Use your preferred text editor on Linux VM (vim, nano).

2.1 Create GKE Cluster

Step 1 Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API.

gcloud services enable

Step 2 From the cloud shell, run the following command to create a cluster with two nodes:

gcloud container clusters create k8s-concepts \
--zone us-central1-c \
--num-nodes 2


k8s-concepts  us-central1-c  1.19.9-gke.1400  e2-medium     1.19.9-gke.1400  2          RUNNING

Step 3 Authenticate to the cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials k8s-concepts --zone us-central1-c


Since we going to use a lot of kubectl cli let's setup autocomplete.

source <(kubectl completion bash)
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

2.3 Create 'dev' namespace and make it default.

Step 1 Create 'dev' namespace that's going to be used to develop and deploy Notestaker application on Kubernetes using kubetl CLI.

kubectl create ns dev

Step 2 Use dev context to create K8s resources inside this namespace.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=dev

Step 3 Verify current context:

kubectl config view | grep namespace



2.4 Create Service Object for MySQL

Step 1 Locate folder with Kubernetes Manifests:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod8_assignment/deploy

Output: gowebapp-deployment.yaml gowebapp-mysql-deployment.yaml gowebapp-mysql-service.yaml gowebapp-service.yaml


You can see 4 manifest with Deployment and Service manifests for gowebapp and gowebapp-mysql

Step 6 Define a Kubernetes Service object for the backend MySQL database.

Follow instructions below to populate gowebapp-mysql-service.yaml

Reference K8s Docs:

  1. Service

Additionally, you can use kubectl built-in docs for any type of resources:

kubectl explain service
edit gowebapp-mysql-service.yaml


You can also use VCS or Cloud Code to work with yaml manifest.

#TODO: Specify Kubernetes API apiVersion
#TODO: Identify the kind of Object
 #TODO: Give the service a name: "gowebapp-mysql"
    #TODO: Add a label KV "run: gowebapp-mysql"
  #TODO: leave the clusterIP to None. We allow k8s to assign clusterIP.
    #TODO: Define a "port" as 3306
    #TODO: Define a "targetPort" as 3306
  #TODO: Add a selector for our pods as label "run" with value "gowebapp-mysql"

Step 3 Create a Service object for MySQL

kubectl apply -f gowebapp-mysql-service.yaml --record

Step 4 Check to make sure it worked

kubectl get service -l "run=gowebapp-mysql"

2.5 Create Deployment object for the backend MySQL database

Step 1 Follow instructions below to populate gowebapp-mysql-deployment.yaml

For reference, please see Deployment doc:

Reference K8s Docs:

  1. Deployments
  2. Updating Env variables
edit gowebapp-mysql-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
#TODO: Identify the type of Object
  #TODO: Give the Deployment a name "gowebapp-mysql"
  #TODO: Add a label KV "run: gowebapp-mysql"
  #TODO: give the Deployment a label: tier: backend
  #TODO: Define number of replicas, set it to 1
  #TODO: Starting from Deplloyment v1 selectors are mandatory
    #add selector KV "run: gowebapp-mysql"
    type: # Set strategy type as `Recreate`
      #TODO: Add a label called "run" with the name of the service: "gowebapp-mysql"
      - env:
         - #TODO: define name as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD 
           #TODO: define value as rootpasswd
         image: #TODO define mysql image created in previous assignment, located in gcr registry
         name: gowebapp-mysql
         #TODO: define containerPort: 3306

Step 2 Create a Deployment object for MySQL

kubectl apply -f gowebapp-mysql-deployment.yaml --record

Step 3 Check to make sure it worked

kubectl get deployment -l "run=gowebapp-mysql"

Step 3 Check mysql pod logs:

List mysql Pods and note the name the pod:

kubectl get pods -l "run=gowebapp-mysql"

Ensure Mysql is up by looking at pod logs:

kubectl logs <Pod_name>


We have created Service and Deployment for backend application.

2.5 Create a K8s Service for the frontend gowebapp.

Step 1 Follow instructions below to populate gowebapp-service.yaml

edit gowebapp-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: gowebapp
    #TODO: give the Service a label: run: gowebapp
    #TODO: give the Service a label: tier: frontend
  #TODO: Define a "ports" array with the "port" attribute: 9000 and "targetPort" attributes: 80
  #TODO: Add a selector for our pods as label "run" with value "gowebapp"
  #TODO: Add a Service Type of LoadBalancer
  #If you need help, see reference:

Step 2 Create a Service object for gowebapp

kubectl apply -f gowebapp-service.yaml --record

Step 3 Check to make sure it worked

kubectl get service -l "run=gowebapp"

2.6 Create a K8s Deployment object for the frontend gowebapp

Step 1 Follow instructions below to populate gowebapp-deployment.yaml

Reference K8s Docs:

  1. Deployments
  2. Updating Env variables
edit gowebapp-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
#TODO: define the kind of object as Deployment
  #TODO: Add a name attribute for the service as "gowebapp"
    #TODO: give the Deployment a label: run: gowebapp
    #TODO: give the Deployment a label: tier: frontend
  #TODO: Define number of replicas, set it to 2
  #TODO: add selector KV "run: gowebapp"
        run: gowebapp
        tier: frontend
      - env:
        - #TODO: define name as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
          #TODO: define value as rootpasswd
        image: #TODO define gowebapp image created in previous assignment, located in gcr registry
        name: gowebapp
        - #TODO: define the container port as 80

Step 2 Create a Deployment object for gowebapp

kubectl apply -f gowebapp-deployment.yaml --record

Step 3 Check to make sure it worked

kubectl get deployment -l "run=gowebapp"

Step 4 Access your application on Public IP via automatically created Loadbalancer created for gowebapp service.

To get the value of Loadbalancer run following command:

kubectl get svc gowebapp -o wide

Expected output:

NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
gowebapp         Loadbalancer  XXXXXX        9000:32634/TCP   30m
gowebapp-mysql   ClusterIP   None           <none>        3306/TCP         1h

Step 5 Access Loadbalancer IP via browser:


Congrats!!! You've deployed you code to Kubernetes

2.7 Fix gowebapp code bugs and build a new image.

Task: As you've noticed gowebapp frontend app has YCIT019 logo in it. Since you may want to use application for you personal needs, let's change YCIT019 logo to you Name.

Step 1 Modify gowebapp frontend so that it has name of you company and link to company web page e.g.

edit ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod8_assignment/gowebapp/code/template/partial/footer.tmpl

Step 2 Build a new version of Image

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod8_assignment/gowebapp
docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/gowebapp:v2 .
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/gowebapp:v2 .

2.7 Rolling Upgrade

For gowebapp frontend deployment manifest we've not specified any upgrade strategy type. It means application will use default Upgrade strategy called RollingUpdate.

RollingUpdate strategy - updates Pods in a rolling update fashion.

maxUnavailable - is an optional field that specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during the update process. By default, it ensures that at least 25% less than the desired number of Pods are up (25% max unavailable).

Max Surge - is an optional field that specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be created over the desired number of Pods. By default, it ensures that at most 25% more than the desired number of Pods are up (25% max surge).

Step 1 Locate directory with manifest

cd  ~/$student_name-notepad/Mod8_assignment/deploy

Step 2 Trigger rolling upgrade using kubectl set command


Step 3 Verify rollout history


Step 4 Perform Rollback to v1


2.8 Commit K8s manifests to repository and share it with Instructor/Teacher

Step 1 Commit deploy folder using the following Git commands:

cd ~/$student_name-notepad/
git add .
git commit -m "k8s manifests"

Step 2 Push commit to the Cloud Source Repositories:

git push origin master

2.9 Cleaning Up

Step 1 Delete the cluster

gcloud container clusters delete k8s-concepts